
We follow a consistent method of dealing with children after a biting incident occurs.  By following this or similar practice at home, you will help reinforce the teacher’s ability to handle these situations, and use them as teachable moments.  Every time a toddler bites, whether it’s the first or multiple times, our teachers will:
Convey through attitude and actions that biting is not the right thing to do.

Help the child who is bitten, by comforting them and helping them express their feelings about the bite.

Help the child who bit, by:
Responding quickly in first couple of minutes

Stating briefly and clearly what happened, for example; “You bit him with your teeth.  He/she doesn’t like it.  It’s not OK to bite people.”

Respond with action.  Apply an ice pack or wet towel.

Redirect them to another toy, person or area.
Parents will be notified when picking up their child at the end of the day if they have bitten or have been bitten.


Responding to Inappropriate Behaviors

When behavioral issues occur, our goal is to help the children learn values, problem solving skills, and responsibility.  We will always use love and encouragement to positively affect a child’s behavior.  We strive to minimize inappropriate behavior while creating a positive environment for all of our children through the following techniques, age appropriate:

Classroom management---individual attention and low ratios with much teacher interaction; modeling and reinforcing appropriate behavior; setting reasonable expectations based on developmental levels; providing an interesting, challenging and age appropriate environment.
Overlooking ---some negative behavior is produced by a child to get attention.  This kind of behavior can be stopped by not giving the child the desired attention in response to positive or even neutral behaviors or actions.  We will utilize this technique only if no safety issues are involved.
Redirection & Distraction---we will offer alternatives to children by engaging them in play with a different toy, suggesting a new activity, facilitating play with another child, or by suggesting independent play.
Verbal Intervention---the teacher explains to the child the inappropriate behavior and shows the appropriate way to handle the situation.
Logical Consequences---the teacher helps the child understand the logical consequences of actions by removing the object, activity, etc. that is causing the problem.
Separation---the child is separated from the group to allow time to relax and calm down as well as to separate from any possible negative influence by peers. A puzzle or book will be given to the child “taking a break.”
Persistent Inappropriate Behavior---If inappropriate behavior continues repeatedly after the guidance steps have been used, or if behavior threatens the health or safety of other children or staff, parents will be asked to participate in an immediate parent-teacher/director conference.  The Director will follow up with the child, teacher and family often to keep communication open and direct. Dismissal is sometimes required.